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Toolbars can be reset to their original state. To modify an add-on toolbar, close this dialog box and access it from View>Toolbars.
Toolbars can be reset to their original state. To reset an add-on toolbar, close the dialog box and reset the toolbar via the 'View' menu.
You can customize menus such as right-click context menu (see 'How' below). Modified menus can be reset to their original state by selecting the drop down and clicking reset button below.
Translator Comments
Shortcut Menu:
Контекстные меню:
Select short&cut menu:
Выбрать &контекстное меню:
How to customize menu: select a context menu, go to 'Commands' tab and drag-and-drop a command to a selected location in the opened menu window.
Совет: выберите контекстное меню, перейдите на страницу 'Команды' и перетащите кнопки панели инструментов в окно меню.
Application Frame Menus:
Меню в окне приложения: